Nonviolent interjection
Physical intercession into someone's path, impeding but not substantially blocking their ability to execute their task in an attempt to make them reconsider
Pheonix and Golden Rule in Ocean at Nuclear Test Sites
In 1958, anti-nuclear weapons activists repeatedly attempted to interject themselves into the testing area for the proposed nucelear atmopheric tests in the Pacific Ocean. The Golden Rule was captured and returned repeatedly to Hawai'i. The Pheonex made it out of the Nuclear Test area attempting to delay the explosion and to bring attention to it.
#WarStartsHere Anti-Arms Fair Protest
On June 2016, the Eurosatory arms fair, which was considered one of the largest ‘Defense and Security’ fairs in the world, occurred in Paris. Yvonne Kressman, once again appeared at the front lines faithfully opposing and standing outside the entrance as she had done for decades. However, this time she was not alone, and was joined by campaigners from Germany, England, the French Palestine action group, Quakers, and more. Over forty activists stood at the entrance singing songs, chanting, holding banners, and passing out leaflets. The protesters were nonviolently interjecting themselves at the front of the entrance to make sure their voices and opinions were heard and to hopefully convince the fair-goers to re-consider their position on the arms trade.
Tactic Categories:
Acts of Commission
Disruptive Intervention
Disruptive Physical Intervention